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Davide Oldani, inventor of POP Cuisine - high quality, priced reasonably - opened his restaurant D’O in 2003 in Cornaredo, outside Milan, his home town. After just a year in business, the most authoritative culinary guides included him among the great chefs of Italian cuisine. He has received many accolades, including a Michelin star in 2004, the City of Milan’s Ambrogino d’oro in 2008 and, in 2013, he was invited to speak at Harvard about his experience as an entrepreneur following publication of a case history about his restaurant in the Harvard Business Review.
In May of 2014, the Davide Oldani Cafè opened in the new Luxury Square shopping area at Milan’s Malpensa airport.
He has published several books, including Cuoco andata e ritorno (2008), Le D’Onne lo sanno (2018), Mangia come parli (Luglio 2020), and POP Food (2021) Feltrinelli paperback edition.
In 2016 he opened his new D’O, an evolved version of its predecessor in order to create a “bigger” cuisine, able to hold its own against other cuisines in Italy and abroad.
In November 2020, the Michelin Guide awarded him a second star for the year 2021 and the Michelin Green star, symbol of sustainability.
His activity as a designer, an offshoot of his skill as an attentive observer, reflects that of the chef himself: tables, chairs, dishes, flatware and glasses, inspired by POP: simple, functional, elegant.
Attila Veress
Né en Transylvanie en 1990, il a grandi aux Émirats arabes unis et est diplômé de l'IED de Milan en Design industriel. Sa thèse a été incluse dans l'index ADI Targa Giovani. Lauréat du BMW Creative Lab en 2013, il a eu le plaisir de collaborer avec de nombreuses entreprises, grâce à quoi il est en mesure de travailler et d'acquérir des connaissances dans divers domaines en vue de créer des synergies précieuses entre les marques, les produits et les personnes. En 2015, il fonde sa propre agence à Milan et enseigne depuis lors à l'IED de Milan. Il travaille actuellement en tant que consultant en design pour nombre de marques internationales, partageant son temps entre la conception de produits, la direction créative et les projets de design stratégique. Ces expériences permettent à son agence de travailler en étroite collaboration avec différents univers créatifs, mêlant production en série limitée et production industrielle à grande échelle.
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