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Lyndon Neri and Rossana Hu are the Founding Partners of Neri&Hu Design and Research Office, an inter-disciplinary international architectural design practice based in Shanghai, China. Neri&Hu is the Winner of Madrid Design Awards 2020, Overall Winner of The Blueprint Award for Design 2019 and The PLAN Award 2018; Lyndon Neri and Rossana Hu were named EDIDA Designers of the Year 2017 and Interior Designers of the Year of Iconic Awards 2017 by German Design Council, Maison&Objet Asia Designers of The Year 2015 and Wallpaper* Designers of The Year 2014. In 2013, they were inducted into the U.S. Interior Design Hall of Fame. Their practice was the 2011 INSIDE Festival Overall Winner, won AR Awards for Emerging Architecture in 2010 by Architectural Review and was one of the Design Vanguards in 2009 by Architectural Record. Other than architectural professionals, Lyndon Neri and Rossana Hu have been actively involved in teaching and research. They started teaching at Harvard Graduate School of Design the fall semester of 2019 as John C. Portman Design Critic in Architecture, taught at Yale School of Architecture as the Fall 2018 Norman R. Foster Visiting Professor, and have been invited to speak, exhibit and judge for many prestigious events and programs all over the world. Lyndon Neri and Rossana Hu are also founders of Design Republic, a modern design platform incorporating retail concept, design/ cultural exhibitions and educational events. In 2015, Mr. Neri and his partner Ms. Rossana Hu were appointed Creative Directors of Stellar Works. Mr. Neri received his Master of Architecture at Harvard University and his Bachelor of Arts in Architecture at UC Berkeley. Ms. Hu received her Master of Architecture and Urban Planning at Princeton University and her Bachelor of Arts in Architecture at UC Berkeley.